Tuesday, September 9, 2014

POWTOON sign up

I would like all students to join POWTOON. I showed them yesterday how to sign up and gave them all the codes. Here is the information in case they don't have it written in their planners or for some reason their planner doesn't make it home.

Website:  http:www.powtoon.com/edu/join-group/

Code: sDxo

For their username and password they will need to use their AR login information as the user name.
The password is: Walker

For their email they should put in this information, substituting their name:



Tuesday, September 2, 2014


Hello Parents of Room 31,

In the Wednesday envelope you will find 2 very important things. First, the H&SC drive is going on starting Wednesday, Sept. 3-Friday, Sept. 12. Please fill out the envelope and donate as much as you can. Give the envelope to your child and have them turn it into me! If everyone turns in the envelope and our class has the highest percentage of envelopes turned in, we will win a pizza party! Turn those envelopes in! Let's win this! I talked with the students today about this drive so ask them if you have any questions.

You will also find a Renaissance Home Connect letter. Please use the information provided and sign up to receive emails for when your child takes an AR test. We will not be printing reports to send home this year. If you have trouble signing up, please bring in your paper and I can help you sign up to receive these important emails. This will also tell you if your child took a test on a day when you asked them to. Don't forget......they need 3 fiction and 3 non-fiction tests passed at 80% or higher.

Thank you for your help with all of this important information!

Mrs. Walker

Tuesday, August 19, 2014